Monday, November 28, 2022


 How well would you sleep if you were woken every hour?

I think you'd go nutty.

I'm finding the same seems to occur during the day as you perform tasks.

You want to feel Zen? Just like a Yogi seeks through meditation?

Get in to a task and get rid of all possible distractions.

Have a baby? Well that is your task, so I'd minimise other distractions while that's happening.

If there is a big plan to dum us down so we become willing and unknowing puppets of our masters, then I think the interruptions from our devices will achieve that.

It becomes habitual. Even though you may have a whole two days of nothing to do but what you want... you probably won't sustain it out of habit of interruption and will cause the interruption yourself by not persisting with your original task.

What good are realisations unless acted upon?

I think I'll act on this one.

Next interruption I get, I'll work on how to stop it from happening again and how I can consolidate notifications to a view all when it suits me and I've actually dedicated the time to look them over all at once.

Hoping on your sanity and growing intelligence,


Friday, November 25, 2022

Keeping up your tone...

 We work on our business or work.

We labour through many things to make sure they turn out alright.

We tentatively tend to those around us and do our best to keep up appearances and meet expectations - well, the conscientious of us anyhow. It can be difficult to even get to that level.

What about your own tone level?

It just occurred to me recently, I work hard to keep up the tone of the things and people around me but I had not calculated my own tone level in the process.

Tone level? Bored? Grief? Fear? Anger? Contentment?

So now begins probably the most important task of all... working on my tone... what makes it better... what makes it worse?

What actions and task bring it up?

Which people bring it down?

Then, making actual changes depending on my weekly findings.

Who would have thought? Looking after my condition as I would my most valued possession.

Where has this awareness been hiding all my life?

I hope your awareness on this is out for yourself or likely to be from here on out.

Best wishes,


Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Tracking performance...

 Can't be bothered.

I know what I'm doing.

I can see how I'm tracking.

Don't have the time to track.

I'll track it later when it matters.

I've only just started, not much to track.

None of these are the true reason to not tracking...

Tracking is a mirror on you.

It might make you accountable.

That could be a big burden if you think you're already dealing with enough in your life.

Can you be the bigger person and properly track your progress?

Will you be able to handle the feedback from the statistics you've gathered?

I've recently come to learn why a good entrepreneur is not only good at business and successful but why they are usually great people - they've had to carefully track their progress and face the harsh realities of their actions.

By having seen first hand how their behaviours affect their business they come to realise the actions outside their business and how it affects the other areas of their lives.

Thus they learn to be much more aware of their actions and become great people.

When will you start tracking? 

More importantly will you be able to confront your actions and make a change?


Sunday, November 6, 2022


 When the student is ready the teacher will appear - said some person once.

Much like you may not notice a Volvo car on the road until one day someone takes you to a dealership and you really become interested in buying one - then you start seeing Volvos all over the place.

So really the teacher was always there but you weren't tuned into what they were saying and you didn't pick it up.

Wouldn't it have been awesome to find that teacher or learn that thing that gave you a big break earlier?

Sometimes it's only your necessity level coming up when in hardship that you may start listening.

Stay one step ahead of yourself and listen carefully to opportunities around you.

Be careful not to brush them off - I've heard it before - I know all about that.

Be sure to listen and distinguish carefully what you're hearing.

There are people out there living their dreams and genuinely eager to help others do the same.

Find the genuine teachers, listen to them carefully and learn to identify fraud and be able to easily part with their tempting offers.

Something extraordinary happened to me when I stopped listening to my infinite ongoing complaints about the world and started listening to successful people I was attracted to.

Who's your teacher or mentor?

You don't have to personally introduce yourself to them, you can simply listen to their Podcast or do their course to start with.

Just be sure to listen to those that are you in the future rather than you and your never ending problems in the present.

Change your listening focus to where you'd like to be and go deaf to the present time concerns.

Good luck.

Wednesday, November 2, 2022


 Such a cozy place to be... mainstream...

Everybody goes mainstream... well most do...

You know you'll find everyone down mainstream...

You can always be liked in mainstream...

You'll always get an answer down mainstream...

Don't be talking about mainstream though...

You'll be caught out and badgered down mainstream...

That's where the money is, mainstream...

That's where the money's used actually...

To get you down mainstream...

And believing in mainstream...

Propaganda down mainstream...

Truth stays away from mainstream...

Truth not allowed down mainstream...

Your true self not allowed down mainstream...

Only the mainstream presets are allowed down mainstream...

Which preset are you?


We're always aware of suppression on ourselves from others, but what about the other aspects of our lives? Firstly, if you weren't a...