Monday, July 11, 2022

Minimal action to get to B

The physical universe is all about action or lack thereof.

Usually we're trying to find the shortest distance between A and B. Unless you're holidaying and you're purposefully taking the long way around.

So when examining actions to get to B we look at what we need in that action and movements we are actually making.

For instance, a subject as boring as shaving... we need a razor and some soap as a minimum... perhaps not even the soap...?

And then we consider the movements required to preform the task. 

This is where our focus lies... so that life is as easy and as uncluttered as possible.

You could start by listing all the actions you're likely to take in the kitchen and then assign cookware and utensils to that action.

Your end product would be a kitchen well organised by action and To The Point. K.


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