Thursday, August 25, 2022

Truth... your way out

 There is a way out of every situation you find yourself in...

It seems to be the hardest thing beings find to confront...

If they only could confront the truth in front of them... then anything, anywhere, anyhow they could be and have...

What truths are we not facing that are leaving us stuck in a situation?

Realise... the difficulty we have in confronting our truths is only an imaginary bank safe that is actually open and requires us only to walk through and enjoy the loot.


Thursday, August 18, 2022

Baby steps

 Small steps will get you there...

But small steps aren't quick steps...

Could take you a long time with baby steps...

The answer is still baby steps... but the time solution is to hold your ground and stay focused so you can add more baby steps into a period of time..

For instance... you could do a baby step, feel great about it and then decide to quit to the couch for Netflix... error

Stay exactly where you are, even if just staring at what you're doing without much action... stay there long enough and you'll figure out the next baby step...

So instead of your next baby step being a day or a week or a month or a year later... it could be as early as the next hour...


Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Stand your ground

Easy to say... so hard to do...

Try it...

Try to hold your position on something... a topic... a view point... 

That doesn't mean that you stubbornly hold on to something when you're obviously wrong...

It means... that if you're looking at a pink tree and you know it's pink and 100 other people say it is blue... can you keep it together? 

Would you have the guts to hold your view point?  

Even when they start throwing rocks at you and call you names?

That's the challenge. 

If you can achieve that... you've done something outstanding... I've yet to get there...

And when society can let that person exist without persecution... we've done something outstanding...

We have yet to get there.

Saturday, August 6, 2022


 How to stay grounded... ?

So easy to get caught up in life and doing various things... enjoying yourself... but then forgetting your place... realising you have a long way to go... humility seems to be essential for growth...

Without it... it can be difficult to see what is in front of you... and difficult to see what it is you need to learn or know in order to improve or do better...

After all.. how can you learn it if you think you already know it...

That is the first step.



We're always aware of suppression on ourselves from others, but what about the other aspects of our lives? Firstly, if you weren't a...